
Feeding Negativity: Politics of Pessimism

The Congress and its Lutyens cabal do not for a moment think before tarnishing India’s image — for, for them, removing Modi and plunging India back to the old corrupt political continuum is the only mode of survival.

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Lutyens, Delhi, Khan Market Gang, Presstitutes, Morally Corrupt, Anti-India, Anti-Modi, Partial Journalist, Gandhi Family, Durbaris, Fourth Pillar of Democracy

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Where no one believes in a better future, despair is a logical choice, and people in despair are vulnerable and susceptible to deception. Entrenched interests use this despair to spread confusion and apathy. They encourage modes of thinking which lead us to believe that problems are insolvable, that nothing we do can matter, that the issue is too complex to present even the opportunity for a better future. Political parties know best how to capitalize on people’s paranoid vision to strengthen their electoral base. Where no one believes in the possibility of a better solution, where no one believes in the possibility of a transformation, hope becomes an insurmountable obstacle. Pre-Modi India had resigned, passively accepting the status-quo that was. There was no role model in politics, no story, no narrative, except politics equated to the dirty realm of power and corruption. The country’s morale had plummeted to rock bottom. In 2014, Narendra Modi offered the radical difference that India wanted, and needed. Delivering on promises he began transforming people’s hope into aspirations. He earned people’s trust through sweat and toil. The idea of a Congress Mukt Bharat started become a reality. But as decades-old dynasties began to shatter, their family fiefdoms began to crumble. The ecosystem which had been nurtured for over 60 years, and which had grown into a giant tree suddenly found itself stripped of all undeserved perks. Modi’s ascension became the biggest challenge faced by these status quoists who had maintained a vicelike grip on the power establishment for decades. Exiled from the power structures, this Lutyens cabal is angry. The anger is directed against one individual: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who gives them little importance and pays them no attention. They react with venom.

The Lutyens cabal — cloistered in the comfort zones across campuses, newsrooms, court halls and Bollywood has now made fixing the narrative as its full-time business. Launching a tirade against Modi has become a favourite pastime of this ilk. They use issues manufactured by the Congress and the opposition to target the government. They create plots that would shame movie writers. New issues are engineered every alternate day and the script of grievance is played persistently. The ‘award wapsi’ drama was their first big attempt but you’ll find such attempts everywhere. When Modi prostrated on the steps leading up to the Parliament, these elites sneered at his rustic ways. When Modi put on a personally monogrammed pinstriped suit, they mocked him: “suit-boot sarkar.” Modi travelled abroad; they attacked him. If he were not to do so, they would have attacked him even more furiously. They bemoan the “aggressive and muscular” looking lion on the new Parliament building and lament Modi photographing. They complain about the length of Modi’s beard and bewail about the base in his voice. These elite who rarely spoke out during the Congress’ corruption-laced tenures use such trivial matters to target Modi and divert attention from India’s growth story.

In response to the Pulwama attack that killed 40 Indian soldiers, India successfully carried out air strikes on terror launchpads in Balakot, Pakistan. As Pakistan was forced to release then wing commander Abhinandan Varthaman — widely regarded as a victory of the Modi government’s aggressive intent, Indian journalist chose this opportunity to praise the man responsible for the killing of Indian soldiers — Pakistan PM Imran Khan.

Rana Ayyub uses International Journalism Festival to spread her narrative that journalist are being targeted in Modi’s India. She has written a book purposed to implicate Narendra Modi and the BJP for Godhra riots of 2002. Rana Ayyub is being investigated by the ED in connection with a money laundering probe linked to alleged diversion of funds collected “in the name of charity” for “personal use”. The Supreme Court of India observed that,“The book by Rana Ayyub is of no utility. It is based upon surmises, conjectures, and suppositions, and has no evidentiary value. The opinion of a person is not in the realm of evidence.”

When Modi built toilets, they said people won’t use it and go back to defecating in the open. When he gave gas connections, they said people will use it the first time and not take refills. When he gave collateral-free loans to small entrepreneurs, they said the money would never come back. The irony was these people gave loans to their cronies and created the NPA problem but were against giving loans to well deserving underprivileged business owners. When Modi promoted digital payments, they mocked him saying how can a vegetable vendor use a mobile to accept payments. Reality is today UPI is the undisputed hero. India leads worldwide in real-time transactions by almost three times to that of China and has 6.5 times greater transactions than the US, UK, Canada, and Germany. By 2026, it is expected that 2 out of 3 transactions in India would be digital.

Unfortunately though, this finely honed putrid art of dissembling and distorting the narrative does not end at trivial matters. The most abusive, abrasive and ill-tempered campaign in India’s history does not find anything wrong in tampering facts on even the most sensitive issues — only because they hate Modi. Even in the most challenging times, Modi detractors were quick to decry the EUA for the Indian-made Covaxin as “premature” and likely “dangerous”. The EUAs were dissed as “political jumla” by them. Every attempt was made to confuse and demoralize the people to prevent them from taking the vaccines. Failure of the vaccination drive was what these hecklers were hoping for. Even earlier, after the Pulwama attack, they sided with Pakistan and instead questioned the Modi government that pointed towards Pakistan for being responsible for the attack. The Balakot airstrikes that followed were dragged into murky controversy and instead of unstinted praise the defence services and Modi were subjected to relentless cheap and nasty mockery.

The Congress and its Lutyens cabal have hollowed themselves out. They are unable to fathom Modi’s recurring successes and his growing all-India appeal. They have used every trickery to defame him but every attempt only results in the masses standing more strongly behind Modi. They yelled: “Chowkidar Chor Hai” but people empathetically responded by adding Chowkidar to their own titles. Modi called for a Janata Curfew and people across India, in a disciplined manner, clapped, rang bells, and blew conch shells in support of the healthcare and frontline workers. Practically the whole country switched off their lights for nine minutes in response to the ‘9 Baje 9-minute (9 minutes at 9pm) Diya Jalao’ call by the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, to show their courage and determination in overcoming the Corona virus. He gave a call for “Har Ghar Tiranga”, and people participated enthusiastically, purchasing flags, generating a business of around Rs 500 crore. The prophets of doom were dismayed. How could a country, bled dry of hope and induced into a cynical conviction that India had no alternative to the Congress’ chalta-hai ideology stand behind a man who had thrown them into political wilderness.

The commissars who control political commentary want to destroy this idea of India. We see assorted groups, with little in common but for a shared animosity towards Modi, magnifying imagined grievances and attempting to weave a narrative which portrays that nothing good is happening in India. The narratives of these elites are centered exclusively on the conviction that whatever the Prime Minister does must necessarily be wrong. They are disdainful of the proverbial chaiwala, who in their eyes is qualified only to sell tea outside their offices.

The Lutyens cabal is running on empty, an emptiness of ideas, aesthetics, and ethics. They are desperate to create a miasma of negativity around Modi. They are so blinded by their blind hatred of Modi that to them, nothing matters more than his removal from office. In pursuit of this end, the means have ceased to matter. These vitriolic critics that we have in our midst, do not for a moment think before tarnishing India’s image — for, for them, removing Modi and plunging India back to the old corrupt political continuum is the only mode of survival.

People must see all this for what it is: opposition for the sake of opposition. The politics of our country till now was such that governments were run to build the next government. Building the nation was a thought reserved for election sloganeering. Modi ripped through this sinister approach by setting a benchmark with his work ethic and integrity. His visionary zeal has provided the country with an opportunity to find its rightful place on the world’s centerstage. In Narendra Modi, India has got a Prime Minister who walks the talk. Few are as capable of or appropriate for occupying this mantle as Modi.

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