
Nationalism vs Freedom of Expression

Governments can be criticized and should be criticized. But there is a difference between criticizing governments and attacking India. Attacking India is purely anti-national and deserves the harshest punishment.

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Urban Naxals, Communists, JNU, Anti-India, Anti-development, Modi Haters, Tukde Tukde Gang, Leftist, Marxist, Umar Khalid, Kanhaiya Kumar, Jignesh Mewani, Shehla Rashid, Parliament Attack, Masood Azhar, Gurumehar Kaur

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Nationalism is inspired by the highest ideals of the human race. Satyam (the true), Shivam (the God), Sundaram (the beautiful). Nationalism in India has revived the creative faculties which for centuries had been lying dormant in our people.

– Subhas Chandra Bose

A year back, on 9 February 2016, DSU or Democratic Students Union’s former member Umar Khalid and others organized a protest rally against the hanging of Parliament attack mastermind Afzal Guru and Kashmiri militant Maqbool Bhat. A rally that saw “students” raising horrific slogans like, “Pakistan Zindabad”, “Go India, Go Back”, “Bharat ki barbadi tak jung rahegi, Kashmir ki azaadi tak jung rahegi”, “Afzal hum sharminda hai tere kaatil zinda hai”, “Tum kitne Afzal maaroge, har ghar Afzal niklega”, “Afzal tere khoon se inquilab hoga”, “Bharat tere tukde honge”. Today, a year later, Ramjas college of the Delhi University, in its wisdom, decided to invite Umar Khalid to speak at a seminar. What followed after the ABVP protested this invitation was calibrated and choreographed “protests” by those trying desperately to establish their political relevancy. A video of Gurumehar Kaur, released almost a year back, resurfaced and was made viral. Freedom of Expression has once again become the focus point of discussion due to these incidents.

At a time when the country needs to focus on development, fringe elements with support of left-liberals and morally bankrupt Congress have been seen using student politics to fuel anti-national agendas.

At a time when the country needs to focus on development, fringe elements with support of left-liberals and morally bankrupt Congress have been seen using student politics to fuel anti-national agendas.

Freedom of Expression is a valuable gift of our Constitution, but one must also keep in mind that an individual or institution cannot seek civil liberties without restraint. Barring the dark period of Indira Gandhi’s emergency, India has enjoyed uninterrupted Freedom of Expression since independence. The battle today is surely not for Freedom of Expression. The battle today is between Nationalism and the idea of Freedom of Expression advocated by the Left-Marxist combine who have always sought to overthrow elected governments across the country through armed and educational violence.  Left’s romance with anti-national elements is long known and threatens India’s sovereignty.

The left-liberals have also always found support in our Lutyens media. The media in its never-ending quest for TRPs chooses to highlight such issues in dramatic fashion, giving disproportionate coverage to non-existent issues. There have been several instances when the Indian media was seen to be taking positions, obfuscating facts and preferring boisterous histrionics over reality. The selective expression of anguish by many intellectuals is equally distressing and totally unjustified. These left-liberal intellectuals have always tried to badger masses into believing fiction over facts. They have always considered themselves to be the repositories of wisdom and their socio-political agendas has forced them to have predetermined narratives.  Placing themselves a class above others, putting themselves on the high pedestal of intellectual elitism, ignoring their own limitless hypocrisy, these liberals have lectured us on the many meanings of nationalism, on the true meaning of patriotism, on how demanding “azaadi” is the Right of Freedom of Expression guaranteed by our Constitution. But a mere glance at the statistics of death of our soldiers reveal the true nature of such slogans.

How can raising anti-national slogans under the veil of Freedom of Expression be a part of national discourse? How can those wishing “Bharat ki barbadi” be made champions of Freedom of Expression? How can those demanding “Kashmir ki azaadi” be made national heroes? There is a fine line between dissent and disintegration and every country has to define and decide what it sees as non-negotiable. For our nation, maintaining our territorial integrity is of utmost importance. Having a sense of our history is paramount for our survival.

What has been happening in some universities across India is nothing less than promoting separatism, a call for violence and secession. The audio-video evidence in public domain, be it of the Hyderabad University, Jadavpur University, JNU or Ramjas college, suggests that the events were not spontaneous but a deliberate attempt to challenge the Constitution of India and create an atmosphere of anarchy.

No one believes that a handful of students screaming “Bharat ki barbadi” represent any majority. What is shameful however is that the protective cover of free speech is being used for propagating violence. What is even more shameful is that political parties like the CPI, CPI(M), Congress etc. use such incidents to indulge in cheap theatrics to score brownie points. There is a clear mischief to bring anarchy. What started from the Hyderabad University to the recent Ramjas College, the purpose is sinister: Disrupt the India Story. Evil minds are at work and students and campuses are being used as launchpads to unleash turmoil, chaos and discontent. We must not allow this to happen. The country must be protected from this lunatic fringe at all costs.

Governments can be criticized and should be criticized. Issues have to be debated and sometimes with a lot of passion. But there is a difference between criticizing governments and attacking India. Attacking India is purely anti-national and deserves the harshest punishment.

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