
Remember! Never Forget, Never Forgive

The people of the country found Damocles sword hanging over their heads during Congress tenures. The Congress tenure must serve as a reminder to us that never again shall we allow our fate to be put in the hands of such evil forces. Never ever!

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Hindu Hate, RSS, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Anti-Hindu, Congress, BJP, Bharatiya Janata Party, Hindu Terrorism, Saffron Terror, Rahul Gandhi, 26/11 Mumbai Terror Attack, Terror Attacks

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कुर्वन्नेवेह कर्माणि जिजीविषेत् शतं समाः ।

एवं त्वयि नान्यथेतोऽस्ति न कर्म लिप्यते नरे ॥

Desire to live for hundred years in this world, but only by performing noble actions. This is the only way to escape indulging in dishonorable actions. There is no other way to achieve bliss.

26/11 Mumbai Terror Attack:

The Congress has little to show when speaking of noble actions. For, while the entire country was glued to their television sets, imploring, pleading and praying for the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks to come to an end, Rahul Gandhi was apparently busy partying at a farmhouse. One would still be forgiving had the Congress’ stand that followed not been as brutal as the attack itself. While we pay our heartfelt obeisance and humble tributes to all the innocent civilians who died in the brutal 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, and to all the heroic soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the protection of our nation, it is important that we not forget or forgive how an utterly incompetent Congress not only failed to protect lives of 166 who were killed and over 300 who were injured, but to make it worse, wanted to pin the responsibility of the attacks on the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). If one expected these senseless murders to shake the government into action, then one is mistaken. The world after 9/11, was for the first time recognizing the threat of jehadi terror while India under Congress, long a victim of exactly the same forces, was busy in repudiating any theory of jehadi terror and fabricating the bogey of Hindu terror. If Ajmal Kasab was not caught alive, Congress would have made us all believe that 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks were indeed orchestrated by the RSS — the proponents of “Saffron/Hindu terror”.

The Bogey of Hindu Terror:

Since the time Sonia Gandhi took charge of the Congress Presidentship, a myth has been carefully crafted that “Hindu terror” poses an existential threat to Indian Muslims, Christians and other minorities. Post 26/11, this myth was given a label — “Saffron Terror”. The crafting was meticulous.

Terrorist David Headley’s confession to the US government that Ishrat Jahan was an LeT terrorist came in late for the common Indian citizen. However, the Congress government had with them, from much before, all the intelligence and tips that she was an LeT operative hired to kill Narendra Modi. The revelation of a plot to kill an Indian Chief Minister should have caused great distress to the Congress. But instead of recognizing the gravity of this situation and being grateful that she was not able to carry out a deadly act, the Congress party claimed that Ishrat Jahan was innocent and killed in a fake encounter. Websites sprang up describing her as an innocent college girl, murdered apparently on the orders of the then Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi and its Home Minister Amit Shah.

The narrative was smoothly taken up by Lutyens media. The Home Minister of the country, Shivraj Patil spoke darkly of “Hindu terror”. P. Chidambaram, then finance minister, warned of the dangers of “Saffron Terror”. Terrorism, he reportedly said, had no religion — but it had a color, and that was Saffron. Rahul Gandhi showed an early predilection for backing such subverted narratives. He reportedly told a visiting American envoy, in a conversation leaked by Wikileaks, that “Hindu Terror” was more dangerous than Islamist terrorism.

The canard of “Hindu Terror or Saffron Terror” swayed the crass political minds of the Congress leaders. It was one of the shrewdest scams to wallop, demonize, smear, and shame an entire civilization, while whitewashing the Islamists for their heinous act of waging a war on Bharat.

Siding with Urban Naxals:

When the Batla House encounter took place and the terrorists were killed, the Congress leaders dubbed it as a fake encounter. The terrorists they claimed were innocent. Congress chairperson Sonia Gandhi was reportedly “shaken” by the visuals of dead terrorists. Veteran Congressman Salman Khurshid professed that she even “cried” seeing Batla house encounter images. When the guilty of the 1993 Mumbai bomb blast, 26/11 Mumbai terror attack and the Parliament attack case were to be executed, many Congressmen started appealing for amnesty. Even Members of Sonia Gandhi’s National Advisory Council (NAC) were among the petitioners seeking mercy for Ajmal Kasab, the lone surviving terrorist of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack.

Post the Surgical Strikes, the Congress questioned the success of the strikes. They started demanding proof in the form of bodies of the terrorists that had died at Balakot. Congress leaders, including Rahul Gandhi’s statements were played out on television channels in Pakistan as they echoed Pakistan’s exact stand. By aligning its position with Pakistan, the Congress once again revealed where it stands on terror — on the wrong side of the border.

The low point in Congress party’s attitude towards the nation’s security and terror was reached when a combination of separatists, jehadis and Maoists ganged up to raise seditious slogans against India at New Delhi’s JNU. The Congress President Rahul Gandhi stood shoulder to shoulder with them to defend their right of free speech to champion the cause of breaking India into pieces. The student gathering there saw seditious slogans being raised against India and in support of the hanged terrorist, Afzal Guru. It was a theatre that showcased a mindset thumbing its nose at India’s unity. Among the slogans reportedly raised were the following: “Bharat ki barbaadi tak, jung rahegi”, as well as “Tum kitne Afzal maroge, ghar ghar se Afzal niklenge” and “Kashmir ki azaadi tak, jung rahegi, jung rahegi”. And the gold-standard slogan for all India-hating mindscapes, “Pakistan zindabad”, too, was raised on the JNU campus.

Congress & National Security:

Although national security was imperiled under 10 years of Congress-led UPA rule, it was no better during any of their other tenures as well. By the Congress government’s own admission, 30% of the country was facing threat from various menaces — jehadis, Naxals and other freelancers during their tenure.

What was the response of the Congress? The first proud proclamation of the Congress government, under the chairmanship of Sonia Gandhi, was the dismantling of the anti-terror legislation Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA). Our security forces were stripped off one of the most important weapons they had against Pakistan sponsored terrorism. The message that went out to the terrorists was that they now had a free run, as a spineless government was busy pandering to petty vote-bank politics. Soon enough, terror strikes in the country became a regular recurrence. It took something as cataclysmic as the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks for the Congress to set aside their reservations and agree on the need for a federal anti-terror investigation agency.

The people of the country found Damocles sword hanging over their heads during Congress tenures. A perpetual anxiety that a bomb may go off at the next street corner or at the next moment and the fear that one is not safe in even one’s home turned citizen’s life into a veritable hell.

During the Congress-led UPA tenure, India suffered many major terrorist attacks. On 13 May 2008, 9 bomb blasts in 6 areas rocked Jaipur.  On 25 July 2008, 8 bomb blasts took place in Bangalore. On 26 July 2008, 17 serial blasts shook Ahmedabad. On 13 September 2008, 5 bomb blasts were carried out by terrorist in Delhi markets. On 27 September 2008, there was bombing in Delhi’s Mehrauli area and 2 bomb blasts took place in Delhi flower market. On 29 September 2008, there were bomb blasts in Malegaon and Modasa. On 1 October 2008, there was a bomb blast in Agartala. On 26 November 2008, there was a terror attack on Mumbai.  On 13 February 2010, there were bombings in Pune. On 7 December 2010, there was a bomb blast in Varanasi. On 13 July 2011, there were bombings in Mumbai again. On 7 September 2011, Delhi was targeted again. On 1 August 2012, Pune was attacked again. 4 coordinated terror-bomb attacks shook the peaceful city. On 21 February 2013, blasts took place in Hyderabad. On 17 April 2013, Bangalore was attacked again. On 7 July 2013, Bodh Gaya was targeted. On 27 October 2013, Patna was the target. On 1 May 2014, Chennai train was bombed. Almost every time the killers were allowed to melt into the landscape, leaving behind a dreadful message that we could be targeted wherever and whenever they wanted, and that the Congress government could do little about it.

Pic(from left): 1-Even before the tears of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan’s mother could dry up, Congress general secretary and heir apparent Rahul Gandhi went partying at a farmhouse on Delhi’s outskirts. 2-Rahul Gandhi at JNU after a student gathering there saw seditious slogans being raised against India and in support of the hanged terrorist Afzal Guru. 3-In 2010,  a book named “26/11 : RSS ki Sazish” was released by Digvijay Singh. The book claims the RSS & BJP are behind 26/11 attack. Congress President, Sonia Gandhi, never condemned her leaders for their endorsement of a book that indirectly aids an enemy state, Pakistan. 4-Congress chairperson Sonia Gandhi was reportedly “shaken” by the visuals of dead terrorists. Veteran Congressman Salman Khurshid professed that she even “cried” seeing Batla house encounter images.

Supporting Urban Naxals:

There is overwhelming evidence that Congress’ actions have continually caused great harm to the nation. Rahul Gandhi & Congress consistently echo the Pakistani line on every issue — Hindutva, Article 370, China, Surgical strikes etc. The party needs to reflect on the costs the nation has had to pay due to their abysmal failure on issues of national security. But instead, its politicians under the command of the ‘Gandhi Family’ were busy conniving and propagating the bogey of Hindu terror, thus smearing, slandering and vilifying one of the oldest living civilizations on the planet with the most tolerant and benevolent history. The Congress and its allies should understand that for political gains the image of this great nation cannot be tarnished and values and ethos of national culture and civilization cannot be undermined.

The politics of appeasement and the desire for power eclipsed the needs of national security as far as the Congress was concerned. The battle against terror was weakened on account of Congress party and its UPA allies, diluting the fight against terror and insurgency for the sake of votes. Those who have weakened the battle against terror for the cause of vote-bank politics cannot be trusted and need to be shunned permanently for good.

Politics of terrorism will destroy the very fabric of this country. We will not forget the sacrifices of our armed forces. We will not forget the innocent lives lost. We will not forgive the terrorists. And we will not forgive Congress. The Congress tenure must serve as a reminder to us that never again shall we allow our fate to be put in the hands of such evil forces. Never ever!

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