Rahul Gandhi’s modus operandi has remained the same — propagating lies, making baseless accusations and spreading false narratives with the intent to tarnish Narendra Modi’s image. But every time he tries doing it, he falls flat on his face.
Rahul Gandhi: The Pinocchio of Indian Politics
Part 1 - The Disqualification
More than 30 lawmakers have been disqualified in the last 9 years the way Rahul Gandhi has been. Unable to get himself or his party elected through legit, moral and democratic ways, Rahul Gandhi has resorted to spreading falsehood and divisiveness in an attempt to regain control of the country he thinks is rightfully his to rule over.
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Fifty-two percent. 52% is the parliamentary attendance of Rahul Gandhi, the topmost leader of India’s grand old party controlled by the self-anointed ‘royal family’, and the last of the national figures opposing Prime Minister Narendra Modi as per international media. The national average of attendance is 79%. He has participated in a paltry 6 debates as against the national average of 41. Budget session 2023 saw his attendance fall down even lower to 38%. And it is not just about his participation in the Parliament. Earlier in 2019 Rahul Gandhi lost the family bastion of Amethi, a constituency held by the Congress party since the year it was constituted in 1967 — barring a few odd years. From Sanjay Gandhi to Rajiv Gandhi to Sonia Gandhi, the Amethi constituency was the family fiefdom of the Gandhis and, Rahul Gandhi wouldn’t have had to suffer a humiliating defeat only if they or their heir had nurtured it.
With this as the background, the disqualification of Rahul Gandhi shouldn’t attract much significance. The country might surely miss the entertainment that he provided through the Parliament, but the Parliament is not a standup comedy platform nor a place for theatrics that Rahul Gandhi performs, performances that would shame even our Bollywood scriptwriters.
More than 30 lawmakers have been disqualified in the last 9 years the way Rahul Gandhi has been. But the Gandhi scion who was used to being treated like royalty is having a hard time staying out of the power circles. Unable to get himself or his party elected through legit, moral and democratic ways, Rahul Gandhi has resorted to spreading falsehood and divisiveness in an attempt to regain control of the country he thinks is rightfully his to rule over. Anything that Rahul Gandhi says primarily has a lie, a false narrative and a sinister plot to dethrone Narendra Modi, attached to it.
The fundamental trait of a leader is empathy towards his people and mockery of a community is neither warranted nor desirable from someone aspiring to become the Prime Minister. Rahul Gandhi was convicted in a defamation case after he labeled all the people having the last name Modi as “thieves”, and refused to apologize for hurting the sentiments of fellow Indians he one day hopes to rule over. While the disqualification was a direct result of a 2013 Supreme Court verdict, with neither the Lok Sabha secretariat or the BJP having anything do to with it, the Congress led by Rahul Gandhi quickly used this opportunity to spread the lie of democracy being stifled by Narendra Modi. Despite having a strong battery of eminent Supreme Court lawyers at his disposal, Rahul Gandhi did not approach the judiciary for relief from the Surat court sentence. Just a few days back Congress leader Pawan Khera, was protected from being arrested in a defamation case by these very lawyers. Clearly, repeating the customary practice of creating false narratives by staging a political stunt seemed to be a wiser strategy to attack Narendra Modi.
Ironically, Congress under the tutelage of Rahul Gandhi and sister Priyanka Gandhi found Raj Ghat — a memorial dedicated to MK Gandhi who wrote ‘My Experiments with Truth’, as an apt location for their “Sankalp Satyagraha”, which is being held to oppose the disqualification of Rahul Gandhi rendered as a result of a court order. Rahul Gandhi should publish his autobiography titled, ‘My Experiments with Lies’.
Congress leader Pramod Tiwari even went a step further in appeasing the Gandhis by suggested that the courts discriminate between the Gandhis and common citizens by applying the law leniently when it comes to the Gandhis. The statements by the Congress leadership following the Surat court’s verdict smack of an outlook that puts the Gandhi family above the law.
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