Rahul Gandhi’s modus operandi has remained the same — propagating lies, making baseless accusations and spreading false narratives with the intent to tarnish Narendra Modi’s image. But every time he tries doing it, he falls flat on his face.
Rahul Gandhi: The Pinocchio of Indian Politics
Part 5 - Defending India from Internal Saboteurs
The Gandhi family always places its partisan interest on a higher pedestal than national interest, and Narendra Modi’s biggest political contribution is to end this dynastic rule. India must unite again and stand firmly behind Narendra Modi to defeat this multi-cornered assault on India’s narrative as a rising power.
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Jawaharlal Nehru managed to capture the political leadership of the Congress, and as an extension, leadership of independent India by bypassing several more deserving leaders. The Gandhi family has since then believed that their rule over India was their birthright and Rahul Gandhi is only an addition to this thought, to this long line of nepotism and dynastic politics. Congressmen in the party have no political real estate of their own and completely depend on the family for their command over what they have. They have for long been held hostage to the dynasty and are prisoners to the prince’s petulance. The Congress’s sole agenda, therefore, is to restore the status-quo-ante where political power of the country is returned to the Gandhi family once again.
Today, opposition parties in India have also joined hands with Congress and are crying themselves hoarse in condemning Rahul Gandhi’s conviction and expulsion from Parliament as a huge assault on democracy. Many of the ‘liberal’ media-persons and so called ‘intellectuals’ in India have also joined the chorus. But why should the country sympathize with Rahul Gandhi? What is his contribution in enhancing the life of Indians?
Rahul Gandhi can indulge in theatrics, project himself as the people’s leader, mobilize mass agitations against the incumbent government, or pitch himself as the panacea that the country direly needs. All he knows is how to do stunts. India has seen through the duplicity of those raising bogus concerns. Champions of socialism have turned out to be corrupt amassers of wealth, closet capitalists, and torchbearers of secularism became cheerleaders of minority communalism, and worse, public apologists for terrorism and insurgency — all these things happened under the watchful eyes of the Gandhis.
Since 2014, the people of this country have done everything to change this situation of India. By indulging in theatrics against the Constitution and its institutions, Rahul Gandhi is preparing for another self-goal and a further dilution of the faith of the public. People of India are more intelligent than Rahul Gandhi thinks. They are not just mute spectators but are active observers. They are well aware of the corruption and misgovernance which happened under Gandhi controlled Congress governments.
The Gandhi family always places its partisan interest on a higher pedestal than national interest, and Narendra Modi’s biggest political contribution is to end this dynastic rule. The people wholeheartedly supported him — they punished Congress in 2014 and 2019. Now it’s again for the people of the country to decide if the self-proclaimed monarch should have freedom to do and say anything against anyone. India must unite again and stand firmly behind Narendra Modi to defeat this multi-cornered assault on India’s narrative as a rising power.
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